Fun fruit faces…

Inspired by Italian artist Arcimboldo grade 1&2 students had a lot of fun this week making faces using fruit and veggies. It’s been a great way to introduce students to the artist and have them start to think about portraiture. Next week the hard work begins with students learning how to draw the face!

So proud of the year 3&4s who are tackling a sewing project with 3/4B absolutely killing it today with their stitching. Showing persistence and an open mind all sewers had a shot at a blanket stitch! Goof little tutorial below if you need a little refresher…Well done team, can’t wait to see the finished pizza plushies!



Spot the seahorse (and the student) and other art room happenings

In preparation for foundation’s Under The Sea project I had a little play with materials making coral and all otherkinds of things found under the sea. Looking forward to the students taking their artwork to the next level in the coming weeks…

Other things happening in the art room this week…

Images L-R: Spot the student, finished chalk drawings being sprayed and admired by year 1/2 artists

And after an afternoon of doodling instead of washing paint brushes I made this…a gentle reminder…



Foundation are going Under The Sea

After reading Eric Carle’s book Mister Seahorsestudents in Foundation are busy making a collaged seahorse. The students have already started making an underwater landscape for their seahorse to live in and they will also make other various creatures to live in harmony with the seahorse. We also listened to Under the Sea taken from The Little Mermaid during art making time. See their beautiful work in progress below.



Pizza plushies are coming to year 3&4!!!!! We have designed our pizzas, written the ingredients in English and Italian and now students are constructing. In the meantime, here’s one I prepared earlier…yum yum yum…Featuring il fungo, formaggio, basilico, il pomadoro….


1/2B artists at work!

Year 1/2B learning to use soft pastels correctly during the Art Loves Italian unit of work. As demonstrated by these sensational artists you have to be careful when using soft pastels because they can smudge. Rolling up sleeves helps to avoid smudges and messy work.

Students are creating a drawing using soft pastels of fruit and vegetables. They will be able to name their fruit and vegetables in Italian by the end of the unit!

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